Probability 83544

The probability that the bulb will burn for more than 800 hours is 0.2. There are 3 light bulbs in the hallway. What is the probability that after 800 hours, at least one will be lit?

Correct answer:

p =  0.488

Step-by-step explanation:

p0=0.2 n=3  p1=(13)p01(1p0)31=(13)0.21(10.2)31=30.210.82=12548=0.384 p2=(23)p02(1p0)32=(23)0.22(10.2)32=30.220.81=12512=0.096 p3=(33)p03(1p0)33=(33)0.23(10.2)33=10.230.80=1251=0.008  p=p1+p2+p3=0.384+0.096+0.008=0.488

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