Containing 64604

The metal casting consisted of copper and zinc. If we remelted it with 3 kg of pure copper, we would get an alloy containing 80% copper. Instead, we remelted the casting with 3 kilograms of pure zinc, so the resulting alloy contained only 50% copper. Determine the weight of the casting before it is remelted.

Correct answer:

m =  7 kg

Step-by-step explanation:

m1=3 kg m2=m1=3 kg  q1=80%=10080=54=0.8 q2=50%=10050=21=0.5  q m + m1=q1 (m+m1) q m = q2 (m+m2)  q1 (m+m1)m1=q2 (m+m2) 0.8 (m+3)3=0.5 (m+3)  0.3m=2.1  m=0.32.1=7  m=7=7 kg

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