
Is the number 186317 exactly divisible by 7? (the result is the integer, and/or remainder is zero)



Step-by-step explanation:

186317 = 26616   7 + 5 r=0

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Showing 2 comments:
The question is ambiguous.A qualifier should be included such as "exactly as in: "Is the number 146025 exactly divisible by 6?
(all numbers are divisible by 6 only that results may not all be exact).

6 years ago  2 Likes
Dr Math
In other hands - a question of divisibility is defined for integers and is defined that result is again an integer. All real numbers all divisible by six by nature, because six in non zero number.  So divisibility means that after "integer" division there is none reminder.

6 years ago  1 Like

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