Triangle P2

Can a triangle have two right angles?



Step-by-step explanation:

α+β+γ=180° 90°+90°+γ=180° γ=0;γ=0 

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Showing 1 comment:
Math Student
yes, it can

A triangle can have a precision that is not measurable. With two giant legs that aim toward each other like an isosceles triangle with 100-mile legs, you simply can't tell if they ever meet, and the angle is close enough to 90 degrees, but they exceed your ability to measure it, so in reality, it would have two angles so close to 90 degrees it cannot be measure, so an angle past your highest precision counts.

3 years ago  3 Likes

Tips for related online calculators
Do you have a linear equation or system of equations and are looking for its solution? Or do you have a quadratic equation?
See also our right triangle calculator.
See also our trigonometric triangle calculator.

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