
To prepare stew for ten loggers, we need 2.5 kg of potatoes, 0.8 kg of meat, 18 dag of flour, 30 dag onion, and one bread. What is the required amount of raw materials for 50 participants in camps where loggers eat 1.5 times more than a camp participant?

Correct answer:

a =   kg
b =  2.6667 kg
c =  0.6 kg
d =  1 kg
e =  3.3333

Step-by-step explanation:

k=50/10/1.5=3103.3333 a=k 2.5=3.3333 2.5=3258.3333= kg
b=k 0.8=3.3333 0.8=2.6667 kg
c=k 18/100=3.3333 18/100=0.6 kg
d=k 30/100=3.3333 30/100=1 kg
e=k 1=3.3333 1=3.3333

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