Golden ratio

Divide the line of length 871 cm into two sections so that the ratio of shorter to greater is the same as the ratio of the greater section to the whole length of the line.

Correct answer:

x1 =  332.69 cm
x2 =  538.31 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

x2x1 = 871x2 x1+x2 = 871  x1   871 = x22   x1   871 = (871x1)2  a 871=(871a)2  a 871=(871a)2 a2+2613a758641=0 a22613a+758641=0  p=1;q=2613;r=758641 D=q24pr=2613241758641=3793205 D>0  a1,2=2pq±D=22613±3793205=22613±8715 a1,2=1306.5±973.807604 a1=2280.307604201 a2=332.692395799  x1=a2=332.6924=332.69 cm

Our quadratic equation calculator calculates it.

x2=871x1=871332.6924538.3076   Verifying Solution:  k=(1+5)/21.618 X2=x1 k=332.6924 1.618538.3076 cm x2=X2=538.31 cm

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