Numerical Expressions calculator
This calculator evaluates mathematical expressions. Calculator supports fractions, common mathematical operations, exponents and parenthesis, and many others functions, such as logarithms and trigonometric functions. The calculator will print a step-by-step explanation on how the work has been done.
Math expressions in word problems:
- Value
Find the value of the expression: 6!·10-3
- Complex conjugate
What is the conjugate of the expression 5√6 + 6√5 i? A.) -5√6 + 6√5 i B.) 5√6 - 6√5 i C.) -5√6 - 6√5 i D.) 6√5 - 5√6i
- Evaluate divisions
Evaluate the following expression with divisions: 45 ÷ 45 ÷ 2/9
- Circle
What is the radius of the circle whose perimeter is 11 km?
- Combinations
Evaluate the following expression involving combinations and permutations: C(6,3) + 3 P(6,3)
- Calculate 37491
Calculate the edge size of a 48 liter cube.
- Expression: 3895
Specify the value of the expression: (27-1) · 9³
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