Fraction calculator
This fractions calculator performs all fraction operations - addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and evaluates expressions with fractions. It also shows detailed step-by-step information.
The result:
6/9 = 2/3 ≅ 0.6666667
The result spelled out in words is two thirds.Rules for expressions with fractions:
Fractions - write a forward slash to separate the numerator and the denominator, i.e., for five-hundredths, enter 5/100. If you use mixed numbers, leave a space between the whole and fraction parts.Mixed numerals (mixed numbers or fractions) - keep one space between the whole part and fraction and use a forward slash to input fraction i.e., 1 2/3 . A negative mixed fraction write for example as -5 1/2.
A slash is both a sign for fraction line and division, use a colon (:) for division fractions i.e., 1/2 : 1/3.
Decimals (decimal numbers) enter with a decimal dot . and they are automatically converted to fractions - i.e. 1.45.
Math Symbols
Symbol | Symbol name | Symbol Meaning | Example |
+ | plus sign | addition | 1/2 + 1/3 |
- | minus sign | subtraction | 1 1/2 - 2/3 |
* | asterisk | multiplication | 2/3 * 3/4 |
× | times sign | multiplication | 2/3 × 5/6 |
: | division sign | division | 1/2 : 3 |
/ | division slash | division | 1/3 / 5 |
: | colon | complex fraction | 1/2 : 1/3 |
^ | caret | exponentiation / power | 1/4^3 |
() | parentheses | calculate expression inside first | -3/5 - (-1/4) |
• adding fractions: 2/4 + 3/4• subtracting fractions: 2/3 - 1/2
• multiplying fractions: 7/8 * 3/9
• dividing Fractions: 1/2 : 3/4
• reciprocal of a fraction: 1 : 3/4
• square of a fraction: 2/3 ^ 2
• cube of a fraction: 2/3 ^ 3
• exponentiation of a fraction: 1/2 ^ 4
• fractional exponents: 16 ^ 1/2
• adding fractions and mixed numbers: 8/5 + 6 2/7
• dividing integer and fraction: 5 ÷ 1/2
• complex fractions: 5/8 : 2 2/3
• decimal to fraction: 0.625
• Fraction to Decimal: 1/4
• Fraction to Percent: 1/8 %
• comparing fractions: 1/4 2/3
• square root of a fraction: sqrt(1/16)
• expression with brackets: 1/3 * (1/2 - 3 3/8)
• compound fraction: 3/4 of 5/7
• fractions multiple: 2/3 of 3/5
• divide to find the quotient: 3/5÷2/3
The calculator follows well-known rules for the order of operations. The most common mnemonics for remembering this order are:
- PEMDAS: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction.
- BEDMAS: Brackets, Exponents, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction.
- BODMAS: Brackets, Order (or "Of"), Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction.
- GEMDAS: Grouping symbols (brackets: `(){}`), Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction.
- MDAS: Multiplication and Division (same precedence), Addition and Subtraction (same precedence). MDAS is a subset of PEMDAS.
1. Multiplication/Division vs. Addition/Subtraction: Always perform multiplication and division *before* addition and subtraction.
2. Left-to-Right Rule: Operators with the same precedence (e.g., `+` and `-`, or `*` and `/`) must be evaluated from left to right.
Fractions in word problems:
- Brown or black
Max has 13 pairs of socks. From this, six pairs are blue, three pairs are brown, two are black, and two are white. What fraction of Max's socks are either brown or black?
- Subtraction equation
What should be subtracted from -3/5 to get -2/3?
- Ice-creams
Becky and Sam make 6 ice-creams for their friends. On top of each ice cream, they sprinkle 1/3 of a packet of jelly. How many packets of jelly do they need?
- A cake 2
Karen sliced a cake into 10 slices. She ate 2/10 of it and after some time she ate another 4/10 of it. How much of the cake did Karen eat?
- Mass fraction 2
What fraction is 60kg of 150kg?
- Vegetarian menu
At a restaurant, 2/3 of the dishes on the menu are vegetarian. Of the vegetarian dishes, 1/10 are pasta dishes. What fraction of the dishes on the menu are vegetarian pasta dishes?
- Test questions
Irena solves the test. She solved three-quarters of all questions during the first reading and another sixth during the review. In total, she solved 22 questions. How many questions does the whole test consist of?
more math problems »
Last Modified: March 25, 2025