Centimeters 82756

Let us have a cube whose edge length is expressed in centimeters and is a natural number. What is the smallest number of such identical cubes that can be made into a cuboid with dimensions of 24 cm, 32 cm, and 60 cm? How long will the edge of these cubes be?

Correct answer:

n =  720
a =  4 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

x=24 cm y=32 cm z=60 cm  24=233 32=25 60=2235 GCD(24,32,60)=22=4  a=GCD(x,y,z)=GCD(24,32,60)=4 cm  n1=x/a=24/4=6 n2=y/a=32/4=8 n3=z/a=60/4=15  n=n1 n2 n3=6 8 15=720

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