Variance formula

Find the variance of 10,10,10,20,20,30.

Correct answer:

r =  55.5556

Step-by-step explanation:

n=6 s=10+10+10+20+20+30=100  μ=s/n=100/6=350=163216.6667  e1=(10μ)2=(1016.6667)2=9400=449444.4444 e2=(20μ)2=(2016.6667)2=9100=119111.1111 e3=(30μ)2=(3016.6667)2=91600=17797177.7778  s2=3 e1+2 e2+e3=3 44.4444+2 11.1111+177.7778=31000=33331333.3333  r=s2/n=333.3333/6=55.5556

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