
If we get 5% of the amount that Petr has in his wallet and 4% of the amount that Paul has with him, we will have 46 CZK. However, if we get 4% from Peter's and 5% from Paul's, we will only have 44 CZK. How many crowns do Petr and Paul have with them?

Correct answer:

a =  600 Kc
b =  400 Kc

Step-by-step explanation:

0.05a+0.04b=46 0.04a+0.05b=44  0.05 a+0.04 b=46 0.04 a+0.05 b=44  0.05a+0.04b=46 0.04a+0.05b=44  Row20.050.04 Row1Row2 0.05a+0.04b=46 0.02b=7.2  b=0.0187.2=400 a=0.05460.039999999999999b=0.05460.04 400=600=600 Kc  a=600 b=400

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