Probability 81685

There are 49 products in the box, of which only 6 are good. We will randomly draw 6 products from them. What is the probability that at least four of the products drawn are good?

Correct answer:

p =  0.0027

Step-by-step explanation:

p0=4960.1224  p4=(46)p04(1p0)64=(46)0.12244(10.1224)64=150.122440.877620.0026 p5=(56)p05(1p0)65=(56)0.12245(10.1224)65=60.122450.877610.0001 p6=(66)p06(1p0)66=(66)0.12246(10.1224)66=10.122460.877603.3708106  p=p4+p5+p6=0.0026+0.0001+3.3708106=0.0027

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