FX parabola

Determine the equation of the parabola going through the following co-ordinates (1;2), (-1;-2), and (2;7)

Correct answer:

y = x^2+2x-1

Step-by-step explanation:

A=(1,2) B=(1,2) C=(2,7)  y=f(x)=a x2+b x+c  Ay=a Ax2+b Ax+c By=a Bx2+b Bx+c Cy=a Cx2+b Cx+c 2=a 12+b 1+c (2)=a (1)2+b (1)+c 7=a 22+b 2+c  a+b+c=2 ab+c=2 4a+2b+c=7  Pivot:Row1Row3 4a+2b+c=7 ab+c=2 a+b+c=2  Row241 Row1Row2 4a+2b+c=7 1.5b+0.75c=3.75 a+b+c=2  Row341 Row1Row3 4a+2b+c=7 1.5b+0.75c=3.75 0.5b+0.75c=0.25  Row31.50.5 Row2Row3 4a+2b+c=7 1.5b+0.75c=3.75 c=1  c=11=1 b=1.53.750.75c=1.53.750.75 (1)=2 a=472bc=472 2+1=1  a=1 b=2 c=1  y=x2+2x1

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