Rocks 2

A garden center has one type of rock that sells for $6.50 per cubic yard and another type of rock that sells for $12.80 per cubic yard. They want to make 25.2 cubic yards of a mixture of rock that sells for $12.40/cubic yard. How much of each rock will they need to obtain the desired mixture?

Correct answer:

a =  1.6 yd3
b =  23.6 yd3

Step-by-step explanation:

6.5a+12.8b=12.4 (a+b) a+b=25.2  6.5 a+12.8 b=12.4 (a+b) a+b=25.2  5.9a0.4b=0 a+b=25.2  Row25.91 Row1Row2 5.9a0.4b=0 1.07b=25.2  b=1.0677966125.2=23.6 a=5.90+0.4b=5.90+0.4 23.6=1.6=1.6 yd3  a=58=1.6 b=5118=23.6

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