Increased 64324

The number of books in the city library increased by 0.2% in 2008 and 0.6% in 2009. At the same time, the total number of books remained less than 300,000. How many books were added to the city library in 2009?

Correct answer:

x =  1503

Step-by-step explanation:

q1=100%+0.2%=1+1000.2=1.002 q2=100%+0.6%=1+1000.6=1.006  q=q1 q2=1.002 1.0061.008 k1=n/q2=n/1.006=1 n<300000  a   q1 = x x   q2 < 300000  1002   a   = 1000   x 1006   x   < 1000  300000  300000 = 25 × 3 × 55 501 = 1 501 503 = 1 503 500 = 22 × 53  501   a = 500 x 503   x < 500 300000 503   501   a < 500   500 300000 252003  a < 250000   300000 252003  250000 < 250000   300000 252003<300000  a=500 500=250000 b=q1 a=1.002 250000=250500 c=q2 b=1.006 250500=252003  x=cb=252003250500=1503

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