Organizes 4152

Shepherd has less than 500 sheep. If he organizes them in 4 rows, he will remain three sheep. If he manages them in 5 rows, he will remain four sheep. If he arranges them in 6 rows, he will remain five sheep. But it can manage them exactly in 7 rows. How many sheep he has?

Correct answer:

n =  119

Step-by-step explanation:

a%b = a modulo b

n=7: n%4=3, n%5=2, n%6=1, n%7=0
n=14: n%4=2, n%5=4, n%6=2, n%7=0
n=21: n%4=1, n%5=1, n%6=3, n%7=0
n=28: n%4=0, n%5=3, n%6=4, n%7=0
n=35: n%4=3, n%5=0, n%6=5, n%7=0
n=42: n%4=2, n%5=2, n%6=0, n%7=0
n=49: n%4=1, n%5=4, n%6=1, n%7=0
n=56: n%4=0, n%5=1, n%6=2, n%7=0
n=63: n%4=3, n%5=3, n%6=3, n%7=0
n=70: n%4=2, n%5=0, n%6=4, n%7=0
n=77: n%4=1, n%5=2, n%6=5, n%7=0
n=84: n%4=0, n%5=4, n%6=0, n%7=0
n=91: n%4=3, n%5=1, n%6=1, n%7=0
n=98: n%4=2, n%5=3, n%6=2, n%7=0
n=105: n%4=1, n%5=0, n%6=3, n%7=0
n=112: n%4=0, n%5=2, n%6=4, n%7=0
n=119: n%4=3, n%5=4, n%6=5, n%7=0 <<<<<<=====

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