Grandmother's 4133

Anička went to her grandmother's for spring break. She paid CZK 38 for the trip, which was two-ninths of their savings. She bought a gift for her grandmother for 35.50 CZK and a book for her cousin Míla for 16.70 CZK. How many crowns did she have left to spend if she saved money for the return trip?

Correct answer:

x =  80.8 Kc

Step-by-step explanation:

38=92 a x=a35.5016.7038  38=2/9 a x=a35.5016.7038  2a=342 ax=90.2  Row221 Row1Row2 2a=342 x=80.8  x=180.8=80.8 a=2342=171  a=171 x=5404=80.8=5404 Kc=80.8 Kc

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