Roman numerals calculator

Roman numerals, numbers

The result:

MMXIX = 2019 = MMXIX

Calculation steps

  1. Conversion: MMXIX = 2019

Roman numerals are based on seven symbols (IVXLCDM). A smaller number in front of a larger number means subtraction, and all else means addition. For example, IV means 4, VI means 6.

You would not put more than one smaller number in front of a larger number to subtract. For example, IIV would not mean 3.

You must separate ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands as separate items. That means 99 is XCIX, 90 + 9, but it should never be written as IC. Similarly, 999 cannot be IM, and 1999 cannot be MIM.


The numeral one. II is two, III is three.


The numeral 5. IV is 4, VI is 6, VII is 7, VIII is 8.


The numeral 10. IX is 9, XI is 11, etc.


The numeral 50. XL would be 40.


The numeral 100.


The numeral 500.


The numeral 1000.
Sometimes you will see a numeral with a line over it. That means to multiply it by 1000. A numeral V with a line over it means 5000.