Roman numerals calculator
The result:
MMXIX = 2019 = MMXIX
Calculation steps
- Conversion: MMXIX = 2019
Roman numerals are based on seven symbols (IVXLCDM). A smaller number in front of a larger number means subtraction, and all else means addition. For example, IV means 4, VI means 6. You would not put more than one smaller number in front of a larger number to subtract. For example, IIV would not mean 3. You must separate ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands as separate items. That means 99 is XCIX, 90 + 9, but it should never be written as IC. Similarly, 999 cannot be IM, and 1999 cannot be MIM. |
I |
The numeral one. II is two, III is three. |
V |
The numeral 5. IV is 4, VI is 6, VII is 7, VIII is 8. |
X |
The numeral 10. IX is 9, XI is 11, etc. |
L |
The numeral 50. XL would be 40. |
C |
The numeral 100. |
D |
The numeral 500. |
M |
The numeral 1000. |
Sometimes you will see a numeral with a line over it. That means to multiply it by 1000. A numeral V with a line over it means 5000. |
Roman numerals in word problems:
- Roman numerals
Write numbers written in Roman numerals as a decimal.
- Addition of Roman numbers
Added together and written as decimal numbers: LXVII + MLXIV
- Roman numerals 2+
Add up the number written in Roman numerals. Write the results as roman numbers.
- Roman numerals +
Add up the number written in Roman numerals. Write the results as a decimal number.
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- Classmates
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- Roman numerals 2-
Subtract the number written in Roman numerals. Write the results as Roman numbers.
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