Conversion knots to kilometers per hour, kn to km/h.
The conversion factor is 1.852; therefore, 1 knot = 1.852 kilometers per hour. In other words, to convert a value in kn to km/h, multiply by the value by 1.852. The calculator answers the questions such as: How many km/h is 30 kn? or How to convert kn to km/h. This is a speed unit conversion from kn to km/h.Conversion result:
1 kn = 1.852 km/h
1 knot is 1.852 kilometers per hour.Choose other speed units
To convert knots (kn) to kilometers per hour (km/h), you can use the following conversion factor:
Conversion Formula:
Speed in km/h=Speed in knots×1.852
Example Conversion:
If a ship is traveling at 20 knots, the speed in km/h is:
Key Points:
1. 1 knot = 1.852 km/h: This is the exact conversion factor.
2. Rounding: For quick calculations, you can approximate 1knot≈1.85km/h.
3. Common Conversions:
- 10 knots ≈ 18.52 km/h
- 30 knots ≈ 55.56 km/h
- 50 knots ≈ 92.60 km/h
- 100 knots ≈ 185.2 km/h
- Used in aviation and maritime contexts, where speeds are often measured in knots.
- Helpful for converting speeds for navigation, weather reports, or vehicle performance.
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