Conversion square meters to ares, m2 to a.
The conversion factor is 0.01; so 1 square meter = 0.01 ares. In other words, the value in m2 divide by 100 to get a value in a. The calculator answers the questions: 20 m2 is how many a? or change m2 to a. Area unit conversion - m2 to a.Conversion result:
1 m2 = 0.01 a
1 square meter is 0.01 ares.Choose other units (area)
Conversion of an area unit in word math problems and questions
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How much compressive force does an aquarium with a bottom area of 0.24 m² exert on the table when a pressure of 3 kPa is created?
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- Area
Calculate: x = 8 m² + 8 dm² + 8 cm²
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