Combinations without repetition n=3, k=3 result
Find out how many different ways you can choose k items from n items set. With/without repetition, with/without order.Calculation:
Ck(n)=(kn)=k!(n−k)!n! n=3 k=3 C3(3)=(33)=3!(3−3)!3!=11=1
The number of combinations: 1
A bit of theory - the foundation of combinatorics
A variation of the k-th class of n elements is an ordered k-element group formed from a set of n elements. The elements are not repeated and depend on the order of the group's elements (therefore arranged).The number of variations can be easily calculated using the combinatorial rule of product. For example, if we have the set n = 5 numbers 1,2,3,4,5, and we have to make third-class variations, their V3 (5) = 5 * 4 * 3 = 60.
n! we call the factorial of the number n, which is the product of the first n natural numbers. The notation with the factorial is only clearer and equivalent. For calculations, it is fully sufficient to use the procedure resulting from the combinatorial rule of product.
The permutation is a synonymous name for a variation of the nth class of n-elements. It is thus any n-element ordered group formed of n-elements. The elements are not repeated and depend on the order of the elements in the group.P(n)=n(n−1)(n−2)...1=n!
A typical example is: We have 4 books, and in how many ways can we arrange them side by side on a shelf?
Variations with repetition
A variation of the k-th class of n elements is an ordered k-element group formed of a set of n elements, wherein the elements can be repeated and depends on their order. A typical example is the formation of numbers from the numbers 2,3,4,5, and finding their number. We calculate their number according to the combinatorial rule of the product:Vk′(n)=n⋅n⋅n⋅n...n=nk
Permutations with repeat
A repeating permutation is an arranged k-element group of n-elements, with some elements repeating in a group. Repeating some (or all in a group) reduces the number of such repeating′(n)=k1!k2!k3!!n!
A typical example is to find out how many seven-digit numbers formed from the numbers 2,2,2, 6,6,6,6.
A combination of a k-th class of n elements is an unordered k-element group formed from a set of n elements. The elements are not repeated, and it does not matter the order of the group's elements. In mathematics, disordered groups are called sets and subsets. Their number is a combination number and is calculated as follows:Ck(n)=(kn)=k!(n−k)!n!
A typical example of combinations is that we have 15 students and we have to choose three. How many will there be?
Combinations with repeat
Here we select k element groups from n elements, regardless of the order, and the elements can be repeated. k is logically greater than n (otherwise, we would get ordinary combinations). Their count is:Ck′(n)=(kn+k−1)=k!(n−1)!(n+k−1)!
Explanation of the formula - the number of combinations with repetition is equal to the number of locations of n − 1 separators on n-1 + k places. A typical example is: we go to the store to buy 6 chocolates. They offer only 3 species. How many options do we have? k = 6, n = 3.
Foundation of combinatorics in word problems
- Probability - tickets
What is the probability when you have 25 tickets in 5000 that you do not win the first (one) prize?
- Family
What is the probability that a family with 3 children has: exactly 1 girl? 2 girls and 1 boys? Consider the birth probability of a girl as 48.66% and a boy as 51.34%.
- Phone numbers
How many 9-digit telephone numbers can be compiled from the digits 0,1,2,..,8,9 that no digit is repeated?
- Dice
How many times must you throw the dice, and was the probability of throwing at least one päťky greater than 50%?
- Lottery
The lottery is 60000 elk, in which 6200 wins. What is the probability that the purchase of 12 elks won nothing?
- N-gon
How many diagonals have convex 30-gon?
- Party
At the party, everyone clinked with everyone. Together, they clink 406 times. How many people were at the party?
- Seating
How many ways can 7 people sit on 5 numbered chairs (e.g., seat reservation on the train)?
- School trip
The class has 19 students. How can students be accommodated in the hostel, where available 3× 2-bed, 3× 3-bed and 1× 4-bed rooms? (Each room has its unique number)
- Playing cards
How many possible ways are there to shuffle 8 playing cards?
- Chess
How many ways can you select 4 fields on a classic chessboard with 64 fields so that fields don't have the same color?
- Basketball
Peter and Franta threw to the basket. Each had 20 attempts. Peter scored thirteen and twelve Franta. Give them a percentage of success.
- Two doctors
Doctor A will determine the correct diagnosis with a probability of 89% and doctor B with a probability of 75%. Calculate the probability of proper diagnosis if both doctors diagnose the patient.
- Area codes
How many 6 digit area codes are possible if the first number can't be zero?
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